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요한일서 5장 14, 15절

by 거룩한 나그네 2009. 2. 12.

요한일서 5장 14, 15절


그를 향하여 우리의 가진 바 담대한 것이 이것이니 그의 뜻대로 무엇을 구하면 들으심이라

우리가 무엇이든지 구하는 바를 들으시는 줄을 우리가 그에게 구한 그것을 얻은 줄을 또한 아느니라


1 JOHN 5 : 14, 15



This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.

And if we know that he hears us – whatever we ask – we know that we have what we asked of him.



We are certain that God will hear our prayers when we ask for what pleases him. 

And if we know that God listens when we pray, we are sure that our prayers have already been answered.

