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마가복음 9장 35 ~ 37절

by 거룩한 나그네 2008. 10. 13.
마가복음 9장 35 ~ 37절

예수께서 앉으사 열 두 제자를 불러서 이르시되 아무든지 첫째가 되고자 하면 뭇사람의 끝이 되며 뭇사람을 섬기는 자가 되어야 하리라 하시고

어린아이 하나를 델려다가 그들 가운데 세우시고 안으시며 제자들에게 이르시되

누구든지 내 이름으로 이런 어린아이 하나를 영접하면 곧 나를 영접함이요 누구든지 나를 영접하면 나를 영접함이 아니요 나를 보내신 이를 영접함이니라

MARK 9 : 35 ~ 37

Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, "If anyone wants to be  first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all."

He took a little child and had him stand among them. Taking him in his arms, he said to them,

"Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me."

After Jesus sat down and told the twelve disciples to gather around him, he said, "If you want the place of honor, you must become a slave and serve others!"

Then Jesus had a child stand near him. He put his arm around the child and said,

"When you welcome even a child because of me, you welcome me. And when you welcome me, you welcome the one who sent me."

